Thursday, July 11, 2019

A journey to rid my life of plastics - one step at a time / Week 5

Summer life has gotten busy and I have not taken my next steps very quickly. But I am continuing to bring my own bags to the store, use string bags for produce, bring my own mug to the coffee shop and select other types of containers over plastic containers. I have plateaued.

I recently read an article that has partly put my at a standstill.

The take away is that switching to other forms of packaging isn't necessarily better for the environment. Cardboard and glass have an impact on the environment in other ways. They are heavier, they take more energy to recycle, they require resources etc. That means a new goal for me. What can I buy that doesn't use packaging - or uses less packaging? I love body wash. It just seems more sanitary - but I should probably go back to natural bar soap. It certainly seems better for the environment than a plastic bottle of body wash.

There are also new products on the market for bar shampoo and conditioners.
(this is not a product endorsement, but my daughter uses Lush products and many are light packaging bar varieties.)

So no container is the best. What else can I buy without a container or bringing my own container?

Again, that means seeking out bulk options. That means changing my shopping routine which means more time. So I have to ask myself if it is worth the extra time. Can my one mission make a difference? The answer has to be yes because I care. I have to make the commitment to change for my own peace of mind and the hope that we can all make a difference if everyone does a small part.