Monday, July 25, 2011

Everyone enjoys a good fog

I just returned from our annual family vacation to the upper reaches of the Maine coast. The further up you go, the fewer tourists you find - except Bar Harbor of course. The Maine coast is for people who love rocks, solitude, kayaking, and really, really, cold water. It is the kind of water that if you take a swim, you feel there should be a podium with a big gold medal waiting for you when you get out.

Though there are not many things more wonderful than a crisp, sunny day in Maine, I would put fog ahead of sun any day. Fog is like snow. When it settles over the world, everything becomes quiet and mysterious. The ocean becomes very still. The  sound of the Mark Island fog horn is a bit louder, the engines of the Lobster Boats echo over the invisible ocean, and the seagulls appear out of the gloom and then disappear. All your senses become  heightened and you pay attention to the details of the world around you. Spiderwebs are thick with dew and the woods creates wonderful patterns. It is great.

Even though kayaking in the fog is a rather stupid thing to do, our cove is relatively safe if you hug the coastline. When you paddle out just a few yards, everything disappears and you really lose your sense of direction almost immediately. Then a breeze will blow and the cottage will briefly appear and then disappear. It is a wonderfully unnerving thing to do because you become completely disconnected from the world for a little while. It is like meditating.

So I love the fog. I wish I could have more fog in my life. I recommend it to everyone.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Who's at the Farmer's Market - EVERYONE

Two years ago, I was asked to design a logo for a new, local farmers market. It was a fun project which has become more than just a nice design piece.
The market has been going strong and just opened for it's third season. It has transformed the Delmar Saturday morning routine. From 9am-1pm, the market is open and everyone is there.The market has become not only a great place to get wonderful food, but the social center of the town. Who knew!
     Farmer's markets are popping up everywhere which is great for small, local farmers and our eating habits. But I think what brings people back week after week is the social scene. There are few opportunities in our busy, car centered lives to run into friends and neighbors for an informal chat. The chance meetings of friends on the street are rare. Just like play dates, we have to plan our casual get togethers. But everyone comes to the farmer's market and it has unknowingly provided the lost art of socializing. From the looks of things, this is an aspect of our lives that people have deeply missed. 
     One down side to this new found talk-fest is that you can't take a quick trip to the market. There is no way to run in for a pick of the fresh strawberries and snap peas and out. You have to slow down and plan at least an hour. But I tend to go at a fever pitch most days, so being required to put aside an hour or two to take part in a community ritual is probably the healthiest thing I take away from the market.
     So, the design of this logo has become much more meaningful to me than just a fun project. I am very proud to be part of this new phenomenon and I hope it stays around forever. If you don't have a farmer's market in your town - start one. I will throw in the logo - pro bono! Promise.
For market info:  (I did not design the website).